英 [skɒtʃ]

- vi. 弄伤;制止转动;扑灭;镇压
- n. 刻痕
第三人称单数: scotches;过去式: scotched;过去分词: scotched;现在分词: scotching;
1. 谐音“使刻切、使刻起、使可切、石刻起”----在石头上刻起刻痕“某某到此一游”。
2. 区分:scotch, scorch: scotch => Scotch(n 苏格兰人),曾经被英格兰镇压。scorch => 中间的r既像花儿也像火苗。
2. 区分:scotch, scorch: scotch => Scotch(n 苏格兰人),曾经被英格兰镇压。scorch => 中间的r既像花儿也像火苗。
Scotch 苏格兰人,苏格兰威士忌
缩写自 Scottish,苏格兰人,因英格兰人以该词杜撰了诸多贬义词义,所以不为苏格兰人所喜。 现主要词义缩写自 Scotch Whiskey,苏格兰威士忌。
scotch 阻止,挫败来自中古英语 scocchen,砍,切,可能最终来自 PIE*sek,砍,切,词源同 segment,scythe.插入 字母 t,比较 bake,batch.引申比喻义阻止,挫败。
- scotch (v.)
- "stamp out, crush," 1825, earlier "make harmless for a time" (1798; a sense that derives from an uncertain reading of "Macbeth" III.ii.13), from scocchen "to cut, score, gash, make an incision" (early 15c.), of unknown origin, perhaps [Barnhart] from Anglo-French escocher, Old French cocher "to notch, nick," from coche "a notch, groove," perhaps from Latin coccum "berry of the scarlet oak," which appears notched, from Greek kokkos. Related: Scotched; scotching.
- Scotch (adj.)
- "of Scotland," 1590s, contraction of Scottish. Disdained by the Scottish because of the many insulting and pejorative formations made from it by the English (such as Scotch greys "lice;" Scotch attorney, a Jamaica term from 1864 for strangler vines).
Scotch-Irish is from 1744 (adj.); 1789 (n.); more properly Scots-Irish (1966), from Scots (mid-14c.), the older adjective, which is from Scottis, the northern variant of Scottish. Scots (adj.) was used in Scottish until 18c., then Scotch became vernacular, but in mid-19c. there was a reaction against it. Scotch Tape was said to be so called because at first it had adhesive only on the edges (to make it easier to remove as a masking tape in car paint jobs), which was interpreted as a sign of cheapness on the part of the manufacturers. - scotch (n.1)
- 1778, elliptical for Scotch whisky. See Scotch (adj.).
- scotch (n.2)
- "incision, cut, score, gash," mid-15c., related to scotch (v.).
- 1. Egan crossed to the drinks cabinet and poured a Scotch.
- 伊根穿行来到酒柜旁,倒了一杯苏格兰威士忌。
- 2. He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down.
- 他一仰脖喝完苏格兰威士忌,砰的一声把杯子放下。
- 3. Meat labelled "Scotch Beef" sells for a premium in supermarkets.
- 带有“ScotchBeef(苏格兰牛肉)”标志的牛肉在超市里售价不菲。
- 4. He poured himself a Scotch.
- 他为自己倒了一杯苏格兰威士忌。
- 5. He was from an ordinary Scotch-Irish family.
- 他生于一个普通的苏格兰-爱尔兰家庭。