英 ['sæn(d)wɪdʒ; -wɪtʃ]

- vt. 夹入;挤进;把...做成三明治
- n. 三明治;夹心面包
复数: sandwiches;
1. 音译“三明治”,一种夹心面包,又被音译为“三文治、三面吃”。
sandwich 三明治
来自英国 18 世纪 Fourth Earl of Sandwich John Montagu,据说 Montagu 伯爵常沉迷于一种赌博 游戏,饭也顾不上吃,于是让他的仆人用两片面包裹上肉拿给他,他好一只手吃东西,一只 手继续赌博,即现在的三明治的雏形。并由该词引申多种比喻义,如三个人的性生活等。该 姓氏字面意思为沙地,来自 sand,沙地,-wich,村庄,家园,词源同 Greenwich,village.
- sandwich
- sandwich: [18] John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718–92), is said to have been so addicted to the gambling table that in order to sustain him through an entire 24-hour session uninterrupted, he had a portable meal of cold beef between slices of toast brought to him. The basic idea was nothing new, of course, but the Earl’s patronage ensured it a vogue, and by the early 1760s we have the first evidence of his name being attached to it: the historian Edward Gibbon in 1762 recorded in his diary how he dined at the Cocoa Tree and saw ‘twenty or thirty of the best men in the kingdom … supping at little tables … upon a bit of cold meat, or a Sandwich’.
- sandwich (n.)
- 1762, said to be a reference to John Montagu (1718-1792), Fourth Earl Sandwich, who was said to be an inveterate gambler who ate slices of cold meat between bread at the gaming table during marathon sessions rather than get up for a proper meal (this account dates to 1770). It was in his honor that Cook named the Hawaiian islands (1778) when Montagu was first lord of the Admiralty. The family name is from the place in Kent, Old English Sandwicæ, literally "sandy harbor (or trading center)." For pronunciation, see cabbage. Sandwich board, one carried before and one behind, is from 1864.
- sandwich (v.)
- 1841, from sandwich (n.), on the image of the stuff between the identical pieces of bread. Related: Sandwiched; sandwiching.
- 1. She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich.
- 她点了份火鸡三明治,以此来避开这个重要问题。
- 2. A surprising number of customers order the same sandwich every day.
- 每天点同一种三明治的顾客多得惊人。
- 3. Right, who's for a toasted sandwich then?
- 好吧,谁想要吐司三明治?
- 4. He bit into his sandwich.
- 他咬了一口他的三明治。
- 5. A dry sandwich is a drag to eat.
- 放干的三明治很难吃。