
- n. [园艺] 三色堇;同性恋男子;三色紫罗兰
- vt. 打扮
- vi. 打扮
- adj. 女性化的;搞同性恋的;爱打扮的
复数: pansies;
pansy 三色堇,娘娘腔
- pansy
- pansy: [15] French pensée means literally ‘thought’, and it was presumably the pensive look of these flowers of the viola family that earned them the name. English originally took it over as pensee, but later anglicized it to pansy. The use of the word for an effeminate male homosexual dates from the 1920s. French pensée itself is the feminine past participle of penser ‘think’ (source also of English pensive [14]). This was descended from Latin pēnsāre ‘weigh’, which in post-classical times was used for ‘think’.
=> pensive - pansy (n.)
- mid-15c., from Middle French pensée "a pansy," literally "thought, remembrance," from fem. past participle of penser "to think," from Latin pensare "consider," frequentative of pendere "to weigh" (see pendant). So called because it was regarded as a symbol of thought or remembrance. Meaning "effeminate homosexual man" is first recorded 1929.
- 1. Pansy was really a blank page , a pure white surface.
- 帕茜实在是一张白纸, 毫无瑕疵.
- 2. My brother - in - law is just a pansy because he is a mother's boy.
- 我的 姐夫 娘娘腔,因为他是饱受母亲溺爱的娇生儿.
- 3. Pansy's a little dusty, a little dishevelled.
- 帕西已有一点粗俗, 有一点憔悴了.
- 4. Papa gave a quick , light laugh. " That doesn't prevent it! I'm of the world, Pansy. "
- 爸爸发出了轻松愉快的笑声, “ 这并不抵触! 我就属于世俗社会的, 帕茜. ”
- 5. You should not undervalue knowledge before Pansy, who has not finished her education.
- 你不应该当着帕茜的面贬低知识的意义, 她还没完成她的学业呢.