
- n. 性格软弱的人;矫饰
- adj. 矫饰的;感伤的
namby-pamby 多愁善感的
- namby-pamby
- namby-pamby: [18] Namby-pamby originated in the early 18th century as a derisive nickname for the English poet Ambrose Philips (1674– 1749), who wrote feebly sentimental pastorals (‘Dimply damsel, sweetly smiling’ gives something of their flavour). They appear to have got on the nerves particularly of his contemporary, the author Henry Carey (?1687– 1741), who is credited with coining the nickname (based, of course, on the first syllable of Philip’s forename). The first record of its use as a general term comes from 1745.
- namby-pamby (adj.)
- "weakly sentimental, insipidly pretty," 1745, from satiric nickname of English poet Ambrose Philips (1674-1749) mocking his sentimental pastorals addressed to infant members of the nobility. Used first in 1726 in a farce credited to Carey. Related: Namby-pambical.