英 [hɜː'mæfrədaɪt]

- n. [动] 雌雄同体;阴阳人;两性体;[植] 雌雄同株
- adj. [动] 雌雄同体的
复数: hermaphrodites;
hermaphrodite 雌雄同体的人或动植物
来自希腊语Hermaphroditos,古希腊神话美少年,智慧神Hermes和爱神Aphrodite的儿子,因拒绝了山泉仙子Salmacis的爱意,在洗澡的时候被Salmacis偷袭失身,由于Salmacis爱的过于热烈,她祈求众神让他们的身体合二为一,最终成为雌雄同体的人。Hermaphroditos满腔悲愤时诅咒自此以后在这眼泉水洗澡的人都将变成阴阳人,即Salmacis fountain,现位于现土耳其境内。对比《西游记》子母泉。
- hermaphrodite
- hermaphrodite: [15] Biologically a combination of male and female, hermaphrodite is etymologically a blend of the names of Hermes, the messenger of the Greek gods, and Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. According to Ovid Hermaphródītos, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, was beloved of the nymph Salmacis with an ardour so strong that she prayed for complete union with him – with the result that their two bodies became fused into one, with dual sexual characteristics. English acquired the term via Latin hermaphrodītus.
- hermaphrodite (n.)
- late 14c. (harmofroditus), from Latin hermaphroditus, from Greek Hermaphroditos (Latin Hermaphroditus), son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who, in Ovid, was loved by the nymph Salmacis so ardently that she prayed for complete union with him and as a result they were united bodily, combining male and female characteristics. Also used figuratively in Middle English of "one who improperly occupies two offices." As a name for the condition, Middle English had hermofrodito (late 14c.), hermofrodisia (early 15c.). As an adjective, from c. 1600.
- 1. Some figures were hermaphrodite idols , with phalluses in their foreheads.
- 有些供膜拜的神像是雌雄同体,阳物长在前额.
- 2. Most flatworms are hermaphrodite and, in tapeworms, self - fertilization usually takes place.
- 大多数的扁虫雌雄同体, 绦虫常常进行自体受精.
- 3. Having only one type of sexual organ; not a hermaphrodite.
- 雌雄异体的只有一种类型性器官的; 不是雌雄同体的.
- 4. Everyone at my school heard it. You were hermaphrodite cheerleader?
- 我的学校里每个人都听过你就是那个双性啦啦队员?
- 5. Or was she, perhaps hermaphrodite, with both male and female chromosomes?
- 或者,她也许是同时拥有男女双性染色体的双性人?