英 [tʃeɪn]美[tʃen]

- n. 链;束缚;枷锁
- vt. 束缚;囚禁;用铁链锁住
复数: chains;第三人称单数: chains;过去式: chained;过去分词: chained;现在分词: chaining;
chain 链子
来自拉丁词catena, 链子,词源同concatenation. 字母t脱落,比较bake, batch, wake,watch.
- chain
- chain: [13] Chain is a direct descendant of Latin catēna ‘chain’, source also of English concatenate [16], literally ‘link together in a chain’. This passed into Old French as chaeine, a later from of which, chaine, was adopted by English. The Latin word’s antecedents are not known.
=> concatenate - chain (n.)
- c. 1300, from Old French chaeine "chain" (12c., Modern French chaîne), from Latin catena "chain" (source also of Spanish cadena, Italian catena), which is of unknown origin, perhaps from PIE root *kat- "to twist, twine" (cognates: Latin cassis "hunting net, snare").
Figurative use from c. 1600. As a type of ornament worn about the neck, from late 14c. Chain of stores is American English, 1846. Chain gang is from 1834; chain reaction is from 1916 in physics, specific nuclear physics sense is from 1938; chain mail first recorded 1822, in Scott, from mail (n.2). Before that, mail alone sufficed. Chain letter recorded from 1892; usually to raise money at first; decried from the start as a nuisance.Nine out of every ten givers are reluctant and unwilling, and are coerced into giving through the awful fear of "breaking the chain," so that the spirit of charity is woefully absent. ["St. Nicholas" magazine, vol. XXVI, April 1899]
Chain smoker is attested from 1886, originally of Bismarck (who smoked cigars), thus probably a loan-translation of German Kettenraucher. Chain-smoking is from 1930. - chain (v.)
- late 14c., "to bar with a chain; to put (someone) in chains," also "to link things together," from chain (n.). Related: Chained; chaining.
- 1. The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.
- 那些狗继续用爪子疯狂地抓铁丝网。
- 2. The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain.
- 这些岛屿位于千岛群岛的南端。
- 3. Whenever recession strikes, a chain reaction is set into motion.
- 只要经济不景气,连锁反应就开始了。
- 4. She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck.
- 她细腻光滑、美丽白皙的脖子上戴着一条精致的链子。
- 5. Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament.
- 学生们试图在议会四周围成人墙。